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How to use this site

You may access the documents in this collection by searching or browsing.

Browse a list:

Click here for a list of all documents on the site, which can be sorted by title or by author name.

You can also browse themes or keywords that are associated with the documents, from the lists in the left of the home page.


If you would like to search for a specific name, word, or phrase, use the search box at the top right of every page.

Performing any search will also offer you an "advanced search" option.

Each document in the collection has its own page. Once you have arrived at a document, you can download it by clicking on the PDF link. Note that each document page is tagged with keywords and themes -- clicking on tags will bring up a list of other documents with the same tags.

Using and citing works from this site:

All works presented on this website, unless otherwise indicated, are copyright by their authors. The works available on this website may be freely downloaded and used for research, teaching, and other non-commercial uses. Citations should include the complete title of the work, the name of the author, and the source of the document at this url:

Comment on the site

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